Beyond Energy Medicine Personal Program

What if there is a world of possibilities right in front of you today, and your decision to get involved with a new way of thinking about healing has the potential to bring about incredible changes tomorrow? Would you be willing to learn about a new approach we call Beyond Energy Medicine that is bringing together the high-tech electronic medicine of the West with the high touch energy wisdom of the East? An approach that is birthing a generation of technologies with staggering potential to shape our future? If you answered yes or maybe to either of these questions, we want to tell you, you came to the right place.
If you got here because you are interested in Energy Medicine or maybe you just stumbled upon us, we’re here to tell you that yes, the most advanced warp speed healing system in the world exists within your own body, mind and spirit. You can achieve warp speed wellness by mastering these light-speed cellular interactions because the cure you seek is within.

Sounds great you say - but its it really possible and will it work for me?
At Beyond Energy Medicine Academy, you will be guided to easily learn self-care practices that can optimize your health and well-being, as well accelerate positive self-transformation. By helping uncover the imbalances that keep you from reaching your highest healing potential, you will learn about your connections and disconnects with your personal world and the invisible world of energies. In other words, when you or someone your loved ones are facing a challenge with health, our task at the Academy is to help you learn to discover the underlying energy pattern that is disrupted and that no longer serves the body. We teach you simple energy techniques to balance your energies and nourish yourself inside and out. By understanding that learned energy patterns can be influenced by messages we call “stress” related to any level, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, we want you to know that you can learn to balance those energies and regain health with Energy Medicine - even if you’re busy and want results quickly!.
Here at the Academy, learning Energy Medicine in the Personal Program becomes a positive and transformative practice because we look at our physiology in a whole new way. We teach you how to reprogram the body’s response to stress, what to do to maintain the body’s health so you can experience more vitality and lots of joy in your life. "Subtle energy medicine approach works by frequencies of energy that encourage the body’s own self-healing systems to do the work.” -Dr. Richard Gerber Vibrational Medicine, New Choices for Healing Ourselves Energy Medicine and Beyond provides missing links and practical tools - simple Energy techniques - for anyone with a desire to learn how to live in this body in a better way. And that’s why we developed our beloved Personal Online Virtual Program. We want you to know we are here for you, to help you find the best protocol just for you! We are here to help you learn effective and simple ways to influence your energy, your future health and shape your destiny in more potent ways.

You will learn some of the most powerful, surprising and life-changing discoveries of our time with easy-to-learn Energy Medicine Techniques including a 10-Minute Daily Energy Routine. This unique program teaches you the body’s energy systems and how to work with them. You have a relationship with a unique, fascinating, and ever changing body, and the energy that supports it. We will teach you how to work with your energies. You will learn to harness and direct these energies for more vibrant health, a sense of ease and joy. In this 6-week Personal Program, you will learn simple yet potent tools to unlock your body’s natural healing power that can help bring balance from stress and promote the body to learn new energy patterns for enhanced physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

What we believe about our body powerfully influences our behaviors, our health, and our happiness. Beyond Energy Medicine Academy empowers everyone with healing techniques for ourself, our family and our friends. Some of what you you will learn in this powerful 6-week course
- Discover your body’s energy anatomy
- Learn about the strange new fields of quantum physics
- Learn simple Energy Medicine Techniques and beyond for everyone
- How cells behave and genetic expression
- Reduce stress, slow aging
- Ways to direct the body’s healing energy, promote health, relieve discomfort